The Postponement

George's girlfriend: Susan
Elaine's dog problem is solved. A rabbi talked with the owner about it.
George has second thoughts about the marriage. He wants to postpone it until March 21.
Elaine envies George for his marriage plans, and entrusts it to a rabbi.
Kramer has drank coffee late since the fifth grade.
When George asks if they can change the wedding day, Susan starts crying. Later George tries it again and now the wedding is in March.
Jerry and Kramer goes to see "Plan 9 From Outer Space".
George missed out on "the makeup sex".
The rabbi tells Elaine's secret to Jerry, and on his TV-show.
Kramer burnt himself on some coffee he tried to smugle into the movie.

Episode nr : 111 (702)
Writer : Larry David
Director : Andy Ackerman
First Brodcasted : September 28 1995
Guest Stars : As :
Bruce Mahler Rabbi
Kelly Perine Usher
John Rubano Man
Evie Peck Woman